Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Going to Mass, not Church

While pondering the difference between Catholic and 
Protestant ecclesiology, I began to wonder if a huge gulf 
in understanding could be bridged or at least narrowed 
by simply saying, "go to Mass" and instead of "go to Church".

The Beverly Hillbillies used to say "You're wearin' Sunday 
go ta meetin' clothes." Mass is not simply a meeting.  Nor 
is it simply a meeting where we hear the Gospel and a sermon.  
It is a meeting centered on the Word made flesh, who sacrificed 
Himself for us, that re-presents that eternal (not repetitive) 
Sacrifice to us in time. Its goal is to bring us to Christ.  The 
music isn't there to evoke an emotion that dissolves once Mass 
is over. It's supposed to bring us closer to Christ.  The homily 
isn't supposed to do that either, or entertain.  It's supposed to 
bring us to Christ.  

Understood in this light, the priest facing east, veils for women, 
and chant all make sense, even if it doens't appeal to the sensibilities 
(or rather, insensibilities) of our modern times.    

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